Makybe Rise Primary School Application For Enrolment NOTE: Children may be enrolled in Kindergarten in one school only, either public or private. In the event that statements made in this application later prove to be false or misleading, a decision on this application may be reversed. Information supplied may need to be checked by the school. For enrolment in a Western Australian Public School: Students in the compulsory years of schooling who are already enrolled at the school do not need to lodge a new application for that school year.PERSONAL DETAILSChilds Name Details(Required) Surname Legal Surname (if different) Given names Date of Birth(Required)Gender of child(Required) Male Female Not Specified Name of person enrolling student(Required) Mr.Mrs.MissMs.Dr.Prof.Rev. Mr/Mrs/Ms/Other Surname Given names Relationship to child(Required)Eg. Mother, Father, Guardian, Grandmother etc. (Independent Minors and those aged 18 years or older may apply on their own behalf)Residential Address(Required) Street Address Suburb Postcode Nearest intersecting streetPostal Address (if different from residential address) Street Address Suburb Postcode Home PhoneWork PhoneMobile Phone No.Email ENROLMENT YEAR DETAILSSeeking enrolment into(Required) Kindergarten 2025 Pre-primary 2025 Year 1 2025 Year 2 2025 Year 3 2025 Year 4 2025 Year 5 2025 Year 6 2025 Email address for Pre Kindy Sessions communication.If enrolment is not at beginning of the year, please indicate preferred start dateWe will confirm start date after enrolment forms are completedIf applicable, year level child currently enrolled in eg Yr 2 Kindergarten Pre-primary Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 If applicable, name of school at which the child is currently or was last enrolledDOCUMENTS TO BE PROVIDEDBirth Certificate(Required)Max. file size: 16 MB.Original, Certified copy or Extract. (Principals will refer to guidance 3.5.1 of the Enrolment Procedures where evidence is not provided)Immunisation Certificate(Required)Max. file size: 16 MB.This must be a print out from medicareProof of Address(Required) Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 16 MB. Please attach proof of residency. This must be one of the following * A lease/rental agreement if the family is renting (with a minimum 3 months to cover commencement) * Power – latest account * Gas – latest account * Statutory Declarations if no other documentation available (1 x Statutory Declaration signed by the owner of the property, accompanied by a current Rates Notice; 1 x Statutory Declaration signed by the occupier of the property, accompanied by 3 x pieces of evidence showing the address; this property must reside in our local intake area)Drivers Licence or photo ID(Required)Max. file size: 16 MB.Copy of Drivers Licence or Photo ID with a signature of person enrolling child.AUSTRALIAN RESIDENCYIs your child a permanent resident of Australia?(Required) YES NO If your child is NOT a permanent resident of Australia, please indicateDate entered AustraliaVisa Sub Class No Add RemoveStudent Language(Required) English First Language Other RESIDENCY DOCUMENTS REQUIREDIf your child was NOT born in Australia, you must provide evidence of the followingDate of entry into AustraliaMax. file size: 16 MB.Passport or travel documentsMax. file size: 16 MB.Current visa subclass and previous visa subclass (if applicable)Max. file size: 16 MB.ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS TO BE PROVIDEDIf your child is a temporary visa holder, you must also provide the followingConfirmation of enrolment, evidence or any permission to transfer provided by Education and Training International (ETI) email: (if holding an International full fee student visa, sub class 571) OR Evidence of the visa for which the student has applied if the student holds a bridging visa Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 16 MB. Are there any Family Court Orders regarding the day to day or long term care, welfare and development of the child?(Required) YES NO Copies of Family Court or any other court orders Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 16 MB. Is your child subject to access restriction?(Required) YES NO If your child is subject to access restrictions, please specify belowAccess Restriction DocumentationMax. file size: 16 MB.Are there brothers or sisters attending this schoolSurnameFirst NameYear Level Add RemoveIs your child currently under suspension from a school?(Required) YES NO If your child is under suspension please name the schoolHas your child ever been excluded from a School?(Required) YES NO If your child has been excluded from a school, please name the SchoolPlease indicate if you your child has any disability or medical conditions(Required) No Yes - Physical Yes - Intellectual Yes - Speech and Language Yes - Hearing Yes - Occupational Therapy Yes - Other medical condition/s Yes - Autism This information will assist the school Principal with considering whether any specific or additional resources are required and available to assist the school with providing the best educational program for your child. If you answered yes to the above, please outline nature of disability/medical condition/sDisability or Medical Condition/s Documentatioin Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 16 MB. Declaration: In Completing this online application, I declare the information and statements provided in this application for enrolment are true and accurate in relation to the child above(Required) Yes Today's Date(Required)OFFICE USE ONLY - Application Approved / Declined PRINCIPAL SIGNATURE _______________________________________ DATE: ________ Δ